Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Internet Safety Doing

I talked with my father (47 yrs old) about internet safety. We talked specifically about two things 1) keeping yourself safe predators/scammers and 2) monitoring children's computer use.
I shared with my dad information I learned about not giving out personal information EVER on the internet and he knew that, but he liked hearing about how even tiny bits of seemingly unimportant information can lead predators to gain more information about you. We also discussed ways that we can monitor children's computer use, the major one being placing a computer in a public place. I shared with my dad the resources at regarding internet safety, and because he is in the Young Men's Presidency at home, he said he will really check them out. Our dicsussion went really well and we came to understand that we both agree on the importance of internet safety. It was pretty valuable, both of us sharing what we know and believe.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lessons Learned from Peers: Technology in the Classroom

The first main thing I learned was about the use of Permethean boards in the classroom. I had kind of heard about these type of "smart boards" before, but never seen how they can be practically used in the classroom. I really like the idea of utilizing this in the classroom because it would really motivate students as well as allow all the children in the classroom to see what is going on. Also, I like how you can save what the children have written on the board, because usually when you use a white board the responses are erased. This can help with assessment.

I also learned valuable information about utilizing PowerPoint in the classroom with children. I have always thought of using PowerPoint when presenting other teachers or adults, but I like how many of my classmates used PowerPoint to actually teach their lessons. In this way, organization of your lessons will be much easier than utilizing hard copies of things in folders or whatever. Also, it would be extremely easy to make changes to lessons you want to improve when it is in the computer on a PowerPoint. Also, all students in the classroom are better able to see what is being seen and taught.

Lessons Learned from Peers: Technology in the Classroom

The first main thing I learned was about the use of Permethean boards in the classroom. I had kind of heard about these type of "smart boards" before, but never seen how they can be practically used in the classroom. I really like the idea of utilizing this in the classroom because it would really motivate students as well as allow all the children in the classroom to see what is going on. Also, I like how you can save what the children have written on the board, because usually when you use a white board the responses are erased. This can help with assessment.

I also learned valuable information about utilizing PowerPoint in the classroom with children. I have always thought of using PowerPoint when presenting other teachers or adults, but I like how many of my classmates used PowerPoint to actually teach their lessons. In this way, organization of your lessons will be much easier than utilizing hard copies of things in folders or whatever. Also, it would be extremely easy to make changes to lessons you want to improve when it is in the computer on a PowerPoint. Also, all students in the classroom are better able to see what is being seen and taught.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Internet Safety Reflection

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article?
"Fighting Internet Filth" by Mario Hipol from August 2005 Ensign

2. What were the most important things you learned from the readings?
The choices we make in media can be symbolic of the choices we make in life. Don't be lax in the media you allow to be brought into your home. That you don't have to be a computer expert to help protect your family when they are on the web. I also really like the idea of having a Family Favorites collection on your internet browser to set the example for what is appropriate and what is not - encourage children to only go to these sights will diminish possible problems.

3. How will what you have read influence your actions as a parent and/or teacher of children and youth?
I will not be afraid or awkward about adressing issues like internet pornography, as this is when questions go unanswered and trouble can come. I will make sure my children and students know what is acceptable for internet use and what is not. Also, as technology changes and grows, I will make the commitment to learn about new technologies my children are using and are interested in so that I can know which guidelines to place on these new technologies and know how they work so as to see the dangers.

4. How can you use what you have learned from the reading to have a positive influence on family and friends?
I should make sure that my family members and friends know taht I very much agree with the standards and guidelines the church has established regarding technology and that I have testimony that they will protect us. I can do all I can to encourage those I love to follow theses standards and guidelines as well.